Meets in Members’ Homes
2 pm
Meets year-round
The First Thursday Book Group Chair:
Barb Selis
First Thursday Book Group meets the first Thursday of each month year-round. Meetings begin at 2:00 p.m. at the homes of members of the group.
Members of the book group each nominate 2-4 books to be read during the coming year, and final selections of 11 books are made at a potluck luncheon each January. Members read the selected books and share their thoughts, with discussion facilitated by a different discussion leader each month. The group reads both fiction and nonfiction books in a wide range of genres.
The First Thursday Book Group is currently at full membership. There is a waiting list of AAUW members wishing to join the group; send an e-mail if you would like to be added to the list.
We have provided a list of books read and discussed by the First Thursday Book Group since its inception in 2006. Books are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.