Each question below will link you to answers further down the page.
What can I expect as a Vancouver Branch Member?
Who Can Join?
In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.
Graduates: Any graduate holding an associate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution is eligible to join AAUW.
Graduate Equivalents: Membership is open to individuals holding the equivalent of an associate degree. The equivalent to an associate degree is an academic degree or diploma awarded by a qualified institution such as a business college or a hospital, which has the same academic requirements as an associate degree.
Students: Undergraduates currently pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree at an accredited institution may join as student affiliates.
What are the Dues?
Annual Dues: Annual dues are $95 which include national ($67), state ($10) and local branch ($18) membership fees. AAUW is a registered 501c3 organization and $56 of the national dues is tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Dues cover a membership year from July 1 to the following June 30.
Student Affiliates: The undergraduate student affiliate rate is $18.81.
What can I expect as a Vancouver Branch Member?
AAUW gives members the opportunity to make friends and enjoy each other’s company while working together toward worthy goals. You will belong to a strong network of talented people—one that can stimulate a lifetime of personal and professional growth.
Monthly Meetings: AAUW-Vancouver Branch holds one general meeting each month, September through May, featuring programs designed to inform members of significant personal, local and national issues. Check the Programs page for upcoming and past meeting topics.
Subscriptions: Membership dues include the following subscriptions:
- The Evergreen Leader, Washington State AAUW’s monthly newsletter
- The Voice, Vancouver Branch’s monthly newsletter
- Action Alert, a nationally-published monthly public policy newsletter, available to all members.
Interest Groups: AAUW-Vancouver Branch has several active Interest Groups whose members get together monthly to socialize, play bridge or mah jong, or share their interests in books and world affairs. See the Interest Groups drop-down menu for details.
Leadership Training Opportunities: As an AAUW member you will be eligible to attend state, national and regional conferences for leadership training and networking. You will also be encouraged to get involved in the branch as an officer, chair, or interest group leader.
Networking with Other Organizations: Vancouver Branch works with other organizations, such as the YWCA, departments and foundations at both the local colleges, and the AAUW Interbranch Council, which allows us to work on mutual goals, broaden our friendship base and increase our visibility.
Community Involvement: Fundraising for scholarships and an annual Scholar’s Recognition Event for outstanding high school students are among our regular activities as we work towards our goal of promoting education.
Advocacy for Women’s Issues: As an AAUW member you support the state and national AAUW organizations which are strong advocates for women’s issues. The various publications you receive will keep you up to date on their efforts.
Membership Directories: In October each member receives a printed directory that contains the membership roster with contact information and general information about Vancouver Branch.
How do I join?
Membership Form: Print out the New Member Registration Form. Fill it out and send it along with your dues check to the address given. You will receive new member information in the mail.
Questions? If you have questions, please contact aauw.vancouver.info@gmail.com